March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Sweet Succulent Succulents!

I have new plans for the growroom! The tropicals will continue to flow in, and I will be working on sprouting more, but I also want to add some new and fun things that EVERYONE can try!

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sweet Succulent Succulents!

  1. Just starting my succulent collection andits hard to find a video covering how to grow from seeds do you have such a video and if not will you do a video on growing succulents from seeds

  2. Hey! I was wondering if you could maybe give me some advice – my succulent that I have had for about 5 years now – purchased it from someone who had it for 5 additional years – it just all of sudden almost completely died after I moved it to a new window! I was trying to keep it out of reach from my children. I had to cut almost all of it off and I feel awful! There's barely anything left alive on it. I was wondering if I could send you a photo and you have any kind of advice on how to get it to grow and prosper again? I feel so sad it's beautiful and rewarded me with a ton of staplelia flowers all year long. And I mistreated it 🙁 anyway please let me know if you have an email contact so i can show you what I did! Thank you so much!

  3. Thanks for sharing your spirit and curiosity. I too have begun collecting and propagating succulents & cactus from seeds.  The reason for this is I've been making hypertufa containers and succulents can be pricey.  My home grow room is set up for the long year ahead.  Never stop growing  MicroGarden.  Let the cycle of life amaze you.

  4. You can treat spidermites by spraying with a soap/water/neem oil, You can water with the mixture as well so the plant kills the bugs as they eat it, Soap water sprayed on the plant can help too.

  5. I'm no expert on succulents but I 'think' you're keeping your leaves and cuttings in soil that is way too moist. Do you use Orchid mix? It's a great soil for succulents.
    Good luck on your new venture and I wish you the best.

  6. i keep my succulents very dry like cactus, even when i do the cutting to get new plants i spray the soil with some water and just put the leaves on top and no water at least for a week and keep in the shade, i have great success so good luck! im going to start some succulent from seed now to try!!

  7. When you want succulents to root, it's better to keep them on the dryer side. The roots will come out searching for water. Once they've rooted, you can water them once a week, as long as there is plenty of drainage.

  8. Why did he say those are very rare and can are ordered from Africa and Australia? I have pretty much all of those succulents and I just go to a local Home Depot in Georgia and they have a wide variety of them.

  9. Glad I found your channel. I just started propagating a few succulents that I purchased about a month ago. I got an Echeveria Pearle, 2 Jade plants, a Kalanchoe Tomentosa and another type that I don't know the names of. They've grown roots and now they're sprouting very tiny babies. I love that they can do that and I get free plants to add to my indoor garden. 🙂

  10. Sorry to point out but tou forgot to mention that when you do propagate either a leaf or stem cutting, you have to let the ends callous over for about 3 days to a week before you place them on or in cactus soil to make sure they don't rot. 🙂

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