March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Applying Liquid Fertilizer to your Plants correctly

After you have created your fertilizer: this is how you use it (dilute it) and simply pour over your vegetables, herbs or fruit bushes for that extra get up and go spring time treat!

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Applying Liquid Fertilizer to your Plants correctly

  1. Huw, how do you know if you're providing a proper and useable nutrient ratio to your plants? This seems like a rather unscientific shotgun approach to fertilization.

  2. I just chuck on stuff whenever I feel like it for them, I also use bone meal too but I dont know what the retio is sorry, I can find out if you want? thanks

  3. No worries, Huw. That's organic gardening…not precise or exact (i.e. the shotgun approach). I was just wondering if you test your brew to have an idea of what you're adding.

  4. Thanks for posting the video. Can I ask how long it can be stored for? I made some up about a week ago and is it supposed to smell like rotting rats?
    Thanks again John

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