With more children eating almost every meal from fast food outlets in my opinion it is time to change, seriously change. This video is for anyone who wants to get their child to grow their own food. Huw shows you many tips on getting them back to mother nature before it’s too late.
VIDEO: How to Get Children to Grow their own Food
With more children eating almost every meal from fast food outlets in my opinion it is time to change, seriously change. This video is for anyone who wants to get their child to grow their own food. Huw shows you many tips on getting them back to mother nature before it’s too late.
depending on the plant one can hear the disbursement of the seeds such as lupines. great video now I wonder if these pets are better then pet rocks ?
Hopefully better than pet rocks
Thank you very much
It's such a challenge for parents let alone their children in a society where we expect instant results. Whereas, growing your own is a slow paced project. Good that you have talked about it. Growing sprouts and pea shoots with children is good too as it shows the quick results!
Good points Huw! I try to get my daughter involved in everything i do in the backyard garden. Are you familiar with my FB and youtube channel? I know i have "Liked" your page to support your gardening journey. I enjoyed this video – we do need to get kids of all ages involved in Gardening. Especially with all the problems of the world. Good job Huw!
Hollyhocks have edible petals and pretty bright flowers. Still, they are supposed to be rather mucilaginous and not super-tasty. I guess, in the wintertime, kids could grow lentil and mung bean sprouts–indoors in jars. Or maybe mushroom kits in the damp cellar? I like the nasturtiums that climb. The dwarf ones they sell don't climb, but if you save their seed for a couple of years, they usually have offspring that start climbing again! Scarlet runner beans have pretty red flowers…
Do you grow Jerusalem Artichokes? You can get the tubers from the supermarket, and the pretty baby sunflowers are edible and can be cooked–just like "artichokes".
Great, well thought out video. Great explanation. You always impress me!
Good and thanks
no I haven't and I have now, it's a great channel! Thankyou for watching!
Yes I do, I make loads of soup out of it, they're delicious! Thanks
Great video Huw !! as always
What got you into growing?
My parents introduced me at a young age