June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Succession towards a Food Forest

I talk about how our current system is pioneering the way for a future self-sustaining food forest. I am using all different kinds of annuals; including nitrogen fixers, dynamic accumulators, and also biomass accumulators to help build soil fertility, and to provide an ideal environment for young fruit trees and bushes. The Polyculture planting style creates microclimates for young fruit trees providing high humidity and filtered sunlight which provides an ideal enviornment. Within a few years this should be the ideal Food Forest, or Paradise

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Succession towards a Food Forest

  1. Could just be a hot day there… but the way your squash leaves are kind of folding in on themselves it looks like you may have some squash vine borers at the base of the plant. Might check to see if there is a brown substance at the joints of the squash plant.

  2. I don't have any advice than to say you really seem to have a green thumb. The polyculture / food forest looks like it's working to me. And, yes I watched the whole thing. lol

  3. Hey James, Enjoy the sunny garden while you can. Those little fruit trees will grow very quickly! Bramble fruits take over fast also but are so good 🙂

  4. Much respect man i dig the garden. Im all about self sustainability and growing my own food is something I love to do. Glad to see others like yourself being so creative and successful at it!

  5. Only under two of them so far, but I may take some of the root-stock and transplant it under the other fruit trees we have. No I am not drying any herbs this year, but I would love to do it in the future. I am not well read on the herbs and drying them yet, but it is something I need to work on, especially if I want to live off grid in the future. Thanks for your good questions, and positive feedback I really appreciate it. I love when people ask questions it kindles my fire to learn more

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