LOL, your daughter's a chip off the ol' block, course she don't want no barbie doll, which is a toy symbolic of what sheeple mentality is, materialism, consumin' always, as for the knife she can do alot of cool stuff with it, learn survival skills, etc. Thumbs up good buddy, ya better get her the knife and not the barbie doll after the way she strode off cam!!
nice vid…adamant about the choice there too lol
She wants the knife. After they way she frowned about the barbie doll i think it is in your best interest to see she gets the knife
keep safe
LOL, your daughter's a chip off the ol' block, course she don't want no barbie doll, which is a toy symbolic of what sheeple mentality is, materialism, consumin' always, as for the knife she can do alot of cool stuff with it, learn survival skills, etc. Thumbs up good buddy, ya better get her the knife and not the barbie doll after the way she strode off cam!!
she wants a knife so she can cut the hair off of barbie doll's! lol!
Does she speak German yet? Must be hard having to learn such a difficult language. But I guess the young ones learn faster than us old geezers.