June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Zucchini Plant Flowering – Time Lapse

This is a timelapse set at 10 minute intervals and a total of 800 pictures over a period of about 6-7 days. I hope you’ll enjoy it. The main flowering show is at 0:49 Please like and share if you enjoyed this video! Filmed with a wingscapes 8.0 timelapsecam:http://www.wingscapes.com/timelapse-cameras/timelapsecam8
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Music is Stanhope by Scott MacLeod

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Zucchini Plant Flowering – Time Lapse

  1. wow that was good. how strange..i have just bought one of these courgette things for the first time..its actually for my pleck fish to eat…he usually has cucumber. if i want to try one for myself what do i do with it?..do you have to cook them?

  2. That was loverly! The music did fit when the flowers came out and went back in! Just one tiny criticism…you should have faded it at the end…Thank you for your videos they are much appreciated. What will you do when you leave school? Obviously something in agriculture but are you going on to college or uni to study a specific field (excuse the pun!) ? x

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