March 17, 2025

VIDEO: First Bean Harvest + Garden Update

Everyone! come join me in this ever so random, spur of the moment harvest! I really am beginning to love green beans. never get tired of harvesting, and never do I look at a plant and say, “naaaa I don’t feel like picking those” Its just fun! And my peppers and tomatoes have lot their minds, they are growing so well!
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: First Bean Harvest + Garden Update

  1. love your updates, keep them up, I enjoy! My tomatoes are not as tall as yours, my beans were not prolific, I'm going to plant more, any suggestions for something to put in my mustard green beds that I'm going to pull out because they went to seed? I'm in Brighton Michigan.

  2. My bush bean plant is really struggling. I'm going to try to save it some – I think I need to move it out of direct sunlight. Totally unrelated, but I've noticed you swatting away mosquitos frequently in your garden. I know all gardeners have mosquitos but have you found any plants that repel them? I've heard of people rubbing basil and lemongrass as repellent. I've also heard of people using citronella. The mosquitos often keep me away from the garden.

  3. Everything looks great, Luke. Have you tried dragon tongue beans? they're a bush type that don't get stringy when old. They almost have a bit of sweetness to them.

  4. The pepper plant with fruit growing straight up – is that a Rooster Spur? This is my 2nd year growing them. They start small and seem to be slower to fruit but then they explode late in the season! Good flavor with a kick.

  5. I agree, I planted my blue lake bush beans the week of Memorial day, planted about 1/2 pound. Since the first harvest last Sunday, I've gotten over 12 pounds, and I'm getting ready to harvest later today. Nothing like Smoked Sausage, potatoes, & green beans with fresh beans, just can't wait till the potatoes are ready

  6. How do you keep your pepper plants from cross pollinating? I'm going to be growing about 20 plants in pots this year and was worried about the different ones cross pollinating so planned on having the bunches spread throughout the yard.

  7. I have a tomato plant that I'm going to have to bring in my house come the frist frost cause I got excited and planted some at the end of July. But I have a south window

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