March 25, 2025

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: A quick apology for my speech

  1. Hey good buddy, no worries at all bro, but now that you're mentioning these speech "flaws" of yours, i too have 'em, maybe its cause we're country folk,..hehehe…anyways your accent is COOL, it seems southern and reminds me of my favorite middle school teacher, who was from the South, last place she was at was either OK or TX.

  2. Ya know German, English and various other german dialects, (bows towards ya in respect), reminds me of a smart and wealthy man, Mr. Wm. Camstra, may he rip, this dude learned his mother tongue: english, from there he went on to learn: danish, dutch, german, french, italian and spanish, he told me once that and eng.were relatively easy to learn as they share latin roots but the germanic languages are another thing!

  3. I can emphasize, I'm German and have been living in the US for 20+ years. Now my German has gotten rusty and awkward for a lack of speaking it often enough! My English is excellent, though. Well, I'm planning on visiting my parents in September, and I can already see my family looking at me funny for all the stammering I'll be doing.

  4. No reason in my opinion to apologize! I haven't noticed it taking away from the quality of your videos. We all do the "umm" and "ahh" thing to some extent but it does seem to get better with everyone the more videos that you do. I'm sure dealing with all of those dialects over there is a challenge for sure!

  5. Oh my goodness. i've always thought you were a very good speaker. I, on the other hand, mess up all the time. Because I get so many migraines, my brain just doesn't work as fast as it should. I have a difficult articulating ideas and my videos definitely suffer because of it. But, you know what? I do my best and I know you do as well. Everyone is different and it is the differences that make us unique. Please don't worry about a few ahs or ums. You are human and we love you just the way you are.

  6. How fantastic that you even know another language! Most people only have one at their disposal….I always enjoy your videos hon and stop worrying about unnecessary little things it can ruin your day…lol

  7. Ha,ha! Yes Germany has sooo many dialects. They can change from county to county. As you probably know already, a Bavarian would not be able to fully understand a, lets say, Frisian when they both talk in their dialects. Kind of similar here in eastern NC. Dialect is very thick, esp. in the rural areas.

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