June 8, 2024

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Slugs, I hate 'em

  1. Yecch! I know they're a part of the ecosystem, but they're UGLY and the damage they do to gardens,……your garden is wonderful good buddy, tomatoes with plenty of blooms and fruit, the beans,…er,…what's left of 'em,….grrrrrrr, i was thinkin' if ya got a duck or chicken, they might like the dang slugs, but, what's to assure they won't eat your garden after finishing off the slugs! Thumbs up Jay, wish ya luck erradicatin' 'em!!

  2. Oh, yeah! Those slugs are very, very similar to the slugs we`ve been fighting here in Norway the last years. They are called the "Spanish Slug" (Arion vulgaris). I think they are spreading rapidly all over the world in these days. Even in the USA.
    It`s a really battle against them. We go out every evening, spring, summer and fall, collecting them. They`re able to destroy your garden in no time.
    This season me and my better half have collected over 4000 of them in our garden.

    Regards, Halvor.

  3. You should look into food grade Diatomaceous Earth (100% natural)! I get mine from eartheasy (dot) com. Its safe for humans and animal consumption (we use it as a supplement to treat our dogs and horses for intestinal parasites, or dust it over their coats for fleas, lice and other pests). I can also be used in your garden to kill slugs, pests and even bedbugs, roaches and spiders around your home. The website has a video talking more about it and tons of info and lists of what its good for.

  4. Yes, you`re right. 🙂
    It seems that nothing bites on them. The last three winters we had a couple of months with little snow and continuous
    temperature between -20C and -30C. Researchers said the frost would kill them off. Well, they were really wrong. There`s never been more of them than now!
    It`s strange the birds and the badgers dont eat them here..

    Cheers, Halvor.

  5. Thing i have found works 95% of the time. Get a glass Jar & bury it upto the neck in the dirt by the plants your having problems with. 3/4 fill the jar with Yeast & honey/sugar & water. Once the yeast starts to activate (in a couple of days) the slugs are attracted to it like slug heroin they slime into the jar and die from drowning. Try it.. what have you to loose?

  6. I feel your pain fella, i too have had lots of slugs killing my veggies off. Like i said though i just laid 7 or 8 jars around the place and it worked a treat. Within 4 days the jars were full of dead slugs. Ive tried beer but it doesnt seem to work as well as yeast and honey/sugar & water. Hope you find a solution.

  7. Take a salt shaker out with you and just sprinkle just a little bit on each one and they die right in front of your eyes. They usually comes out on warm moist nights. The kind of nights that dew forms on everything. I go out with a flashlight. With the light you can see the slim trails they leave. I have been doing it for years. Remember too much salt will kill your soil. A little goes a long way. It does not take much to kill them. We don't have any that are as big as they ones in the video.

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