June 8, 2024

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: garden strategies for 2013

  1. your garden looks great! good strategies as far asi can see. i discovered my peppers for one reason or another do not like direct sun either. i have some planted in mostly shady area doing ten times better than all my others. my cucs are producing but something has stunted some of them n they are growing into little balls! what a crazy rainy yr will do i guess.

  2. hugel beds don't have much growing on them right now whatever was growing has gone to seed. been a little too dry to plant it just yet but as soon as we start getting some more monsoon rains i will be planting them out with about 50 different kinds of seed. should have a pretty good fall/winter garden on the hugel beds.

  3. Great video. I have been switching my garden to permaculture also this year. My garden is not very big so I also have to plant things close together. The rules that you get on seed packets etc. for the distances for planting things are all nonsense. Most things will grow perfectly when grown close together as your video proves wonderfully well. Thank you for the video. Mark.

  4. To work with nature without any hazardous factors are quite rewarding and indicates a green living. However, these garden strategies are really have a good sense and certainly the best tools to start growing different crops for you to reap an abundant harvest in return. 

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