June 8, 2024

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: What to do if your Pepper Plant has Yellow Leaves

  1. I’m not really sure if it’s nitrogen or iron deficiency i’m having on my pepper plant right now but is it ok to mix ferroussulfate with coffee ground and epson salt? Thanks for the reply, newbie here.

  2. Coffe invite also earthworms which contribute to a better drainage of the earth. Some even say that the chilli make more burning chilli due to the presence of earthworms as an deffensive mechanism….

  3. Hi. I have potted peppers. In warmer weather obviously more frequent watering is necessary and I am told this leaches nutrients out of the soil. In this case, how often should I feed the peppers to keep it well-fed? Thanks, Nathanael

  4. 1. Lack of sunlight 2.water 3. Dont like weeds 4. Nutrition lack ( nigaration or chicken poop will fix ) 5. Fuzeraieom wilt if I spelled it Wright yall are welcome I can't stand a long as video for a 2 second answer

  5. I was looking for videos to figure out why my zinnia plants (one month old seedlings) leaves were showing yellow blotches and came across this…. will these explanations also apply? I was letting the first inch of soil dry completely and fertilizing them once a week with a NPK of 3-1-2 (diluted miracle grow) once a week.

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