June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Humane Chicken or Other Poultry Killer Neck Breaking Device

This is an alternative, fast, and humane way to dispatch chickens or other poultry. Discuss this more on our forum http://selfsufficientculture.com/threads/humane-poultry-killer-from-morrigan.256/

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Humane Chicken or Other Poultry Killer Neck Breaking Device

  1. Do you know where I can purchase one of these devices? My husband wants a "blood free" way of killing the bird since we weren't raised in the country – but blessed we are living there now! We've been butchering for a couple if years now.
    Thanks so much!
    Susie – pederslilfarm@gmail.com

  2. A nifty thing, but this can also be achieved just by using a hammer (or the back of a hatchet) instead of a hatchet on a chopping block. As long as you give it a good, hard stroke – remembering that the harder you hit it, the less it suffers – it's no worries at all.

  3. Any other place where it can be purchased? I've checked their website repeatedly over the past few months and it keeps indicating they are out of stock. I have tried contacting them through email and their website as to if and when it will be available again, but they never respond. 🙁

  4. If you don't drain the blood a few things happen. The evisceration process becomes MUCH more messy, and blood is the enemy here! Blood spoils faster than meat, so draining blood makes for a better product. EVERY slaughter practice knows this fact

  5. I am interested in getting one to put chickens out of their misery if one of mine gets sick. I'd be afraid to "do it wrong" the first time, though. Do you have to put a lot of force while pulling the handle down? Do they die as soon as the neck is broken? Where on the neck do you do it? Sorry for all the questions, but as a relatively new chicken owner, I want to do the right thing, but even with a device this easy, I feel like I could screw it up.

  6. Before I sound preachy… I kill my own meat to…. breaking any animals neck doesn’t allow its soul to leave the body. It’s best to use axe to remove head instantly and allow blood to flow free to the earth

  7. Ive seen another video where it took a couple of goes to break the neck but I’m not sure they positioned the bird in the correct place. Would you place the back of head as close to the lever as possible? Or does it not matter where the neck sits?

  8. This is one of the worst tools to use, most chickens will just suffocate and take a long time to die. See the HSA guide "Practical slaughter of poultry", based on real studies to find out how to kill humanely your chickens. A lot of different studies can be found on researchgate which prove this type of tools to be uneffective.

  9. I don't get it and he did not demonstrate how it works. The cone where the chicken go in upside down is at the opposite side of the post from the device. How do you put chicken's neck in the device when its body is at the other side of the post?

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