March 15, 2025

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Seed saving an old emergency rises again

  1. Pretty scary stuff.  It definitely makes it very important to save seeds.  We started doing that a couple of years ago, but we still have had to purchase some.  Thank you for this video.  We will check out this website.

  2. Great rant, Jay! Wow!! What a Zucchini!!! 
    One can see similarities while comparing the new ways of the actual "lawmakers" and the Google+ issue. That´s the new world order rising. None is being asked anymore, but forced to do as we are told. 
    Have a great weekend, amigo!

  3. Im UK here and ive heard about this since before the first draft. This apparently only applies to commercial sales. As a result of this there have been lots of "free" (just pay for postage) seedbanks/seed communities popping up everywhere. In my opinion there is no way they can possibly police this for small time gardeners/self sufficiency people. It just underlies the importance of been knowledgeable on how to create your own seed for personal use.

  4. You really make some awesome updates, Jay. This one was fantastic! Well done.
    This "food control" is crawling in the backdoor of countries outside EU as well. I hope people will keep on exchanging heirloom seeds, cost what it has to cost.

    Best wishes,

  5. AWESOME Upload Jay ol' buddy, kudos to you good buddy and well, for those of us not quite yet into our own gardenin' thing,…time is runnin' out,…..oh, man, but is it problematic to try and exit this rat race to a more self sufficient life style, you're really INSPIRATIONAL my bro, thumbs up and i will be sharing this vid with others! 

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