March 21, 2025

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Progress 20th November

  1. Looks good. Really makes a NICE difference after the grass is cut & cleaned up.  It will be fun to explore the possibilities of where your dripping water is coming from.  Your new property is like a treasure hunt.

  2. Really good job done there, Jay!
    Entertaining to follow the progress of your garden. 🙂
    Don`t throw those old logs yet, -I`m working with an upload where I use them for something else. Maybe it could spark some new ideas. 🙂
    Hope I`ll manage to upload the video this evening.

    Best wishes,

  3. It really looks like you have a good set up there, Jay. Having a water source would be wonderful. I hope it works out well for you. I like the idea of using those trees for your pole beans and that you are cutting back the fruit trees. Hopefully, they will have enough life still in them to come bounding back for you.

  4. Boy oh' boy Jay, you really have made some significant progress on the home front!  WOW, I'm impressed! I sure do hope you have a water source and can keep it flowing and/or get more out of it. 🙂  I really like what you are doing there and I'd love to come over and help you out sometime…I don't know if it will ever happen but I've been thinking seriously about trying to travel overseas a bit and I would make a point to come your way if so. Keep up the inspiring work, I value your knowledge and perceptions.

  5. Well, i say good buddy, you've really been busy!!! Nice homestead of yours Jay, hopin' your apple trees bounce back o.k. come spring, it'd be a shame if ya had to take 'em out, pear trees COOL, yeah i can envision your homestead really cool, with the permaculture and yeah them logs would be great for some hugelkultur garden bed,…thumbs up good buddy! 

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