May 29, 2024

VIDEO: Farmers markets and marketing

Farmers markets seem to be on the rise yet some are getting a bit discouraged in their efforts as vendors. This is a 2 part series. In this part I address the difficulty of sales and a few suggestions as to how to improve. An American Homestead Podcast: Are farmers markets worth the effort?…

VIDEO: Trellis build

I need a strong, stable trellis that looks at least halfway decent to train the wild rose onto. I thought of buying one to save some time but the cost was completely unacceptable. So, I’m building one. If you want to see the finished product but don’t want to sit through the build just skip…

VIDEO: Starting my next project

Building a simple concrete form and explaining a few techniques and math usage. Taking the opportunity to teach my daughter practical math applications in the hopes that she will take studying a bit more seriously. I’ve been out of carpentry for several years now and out of practice and made a few minor mistakes that…