June 9, 2024

VIDEO: "Mountain Music" Flatfoot Dancing with Rebecca Stout

Wanna Learn? Dance with Rebecca Stout in Los Angeles, December 1, 2013! Upcoming workshop: http://urbanhomestead.org/event/flat-foot-dance-workshop-rebecca-stout

The Urban Homestead presents: “Mountain Music”
( http://www.facebook.com/urbanhomesteadmusic)

SONG: “Play Me That Mountain Music”


Dancer –
Rebecca Stout

Instruments and Vocals —
Wimberley Bluegrass Band

Tom Fair

Video shot on Flip Camera HD Jordanne Dervaes.

Check us out at: http://www.urbanhomestead.org
and Urban Homestead Music at http://www.facebook.com/urbanhomesteadmusic

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: "Mountain Music" Flatfoot Dancing with Rebecca Stout

  1. Wow! In today's pop music for young ones they all dance like this and call it "shuffle" dancing I'm in London UK and my kids and grandkids do this Check out Elvis Marie's the Name Remix 2018/9 see the young girl dancer

  2. I think this is a really cool video… music is great, atmosphere is there and an ant's eye view of the footwork of the dancer. the dancing is truly great, the boots really add a period element insofar as… I kinda feel like I'm an ant on the floor in 1788 at some shindig in some wild west saloon. marvelous!

  3. I have a question…. I notice that in videos of apalachia and mountain and flatfoot dancing, there's never any drums. is it fair to say that drum, beat and rhythm was provided by the footwork of the dancer? traditional irish music has the bodhran, but it very rarely features in videos like this.

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