December 22, 2024

VIDEO: 7 Super Cheap ways to add Nutrients to your Soil

I find that not all the time I can afford products like Rockdust to help my vegetables grow healthy so I put together my list of methods I use to help you save money but still give your plants a healthy nutrient boost!

MIgardener’s video:
How to make leaf mold:
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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: 7 Super Cheap ways to add Nutrients to your Soil

  1. 1. Leaves
    2. Wood Ash
    3. Seaweed
    4. Molasses
    5. Coffee grounds
    6. Grass clippings
    7. Urine

    This guy has a lot of helpful info in his video!!! Good job!

  2. The first thing he tells us is that wood ash lowers the ph value making soil more acidic – WRONG. The exact opposite in fact. Clearly he doesnt know what he is talking about.

  3. I've been using leaves on my garden for over 40 years, I'm in coastal New England so almost all the trees in my immediate area are maples. In the fall I rake the leaves onto my driveway and mulch them up with my lawn mower (electric), GOING OVER THEM A FEW TIME CUTS THEM UP PRETTY FINE. I SPREAD 6" OR SO ON THE GARDEN.
    The soil is in good shape because the leaves put back what the garden uses up over the summer.

  4. I know it's been awhile since you've done this video. I would highly recommend you Google modern natural farming. It's a fun way to utilize leaves and things around you such as egg shells, bones, fish, sea water, brown sugar, and rice vinegar.

  5. Ok so seeds that didn't germanate or have passed there use, just grind them up for a better start to seedlings and even better growth in general, I'd avoid coffee grinds as this still contains alot of caffeine, you missed out on ground and bakes egg shell for calcium

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