June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Seed Starting Part 5 Variety Selection & Resources

Learn all about starting seeds and the most efficient ways to get your garden growing even in colder temperatures. Pat Battle instructs this class in the greenhouse at the Mills River Educational Farm where a variety of seedlings are already off to a great start. Get helpful tips on seed varieties, products, techniques and when to put out different vegetables and herbs to make sure they make it through spring frosts. Visit our website at http://www.livingwebfarms.org for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically.

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Seed Starting Part 5 Variety Selection & Resources

  1. Thank you so much for putting these workshop videos up!  It will be my first year planting a garden and this helps a lot!  The biochar workshop was awesome too.  Very informative!

  2. This was one of the better seedstarting lectures i have seen sofar. I have learned a lot. Especially in the hobby gardeners world it's kind of fashion to start your stuff as soon as humanly possible. I don't actually like that because i don't have the space and lighting rigs. This is a great no nonsense video series to get you started. Thank you so much.

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