June 8, 2024

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Bean Canes

  1. Maybe the Buzzards are circling around waiting for you to stop moving?  Or is that Vultures?  Naw, it must be Buzzards.  Just don't you forget what happened to the rabbit, we don't want to see one of your back legs lying there.
    Best Wishes, Brendan.

  2. If it was a buzzard then the rabbit was already dead because buzzards are carrion feeders.  To catch a rabbit you need an eagle owl, a fox or a cat.  Very little else is fast/quiet enough to take it unawares

  3. Hello Adam, subscribed yesterday after hearing about your channel from Nora 🙂 I decided to start from your first episode, really enjoying seeing the plot from day one. I am sure I will catch up to your recent videos soon

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