Seedling progress and a few odd things. Maybe someone can give a bit of insight. At the end I describe how I made a wicking container.
VIDEO: What's going in the garden but WHEN?
Seedling progress and a few odd things. Maybe someone can give a bit of insight. At the end I describe how I made a wicking container.
Ha ha first had to say it
You have plenty of starts J. The wicking bed will work well. Maybe too warm inside for the cold weather crops. The yacon is crazy. You should be ok with the fleese as it will stop the frost hitting the plant and make a micro climate under it. The plants I put out under the hoop with the fleese are fine and we had some cold nights last week had to scratch the ice of the car every morning. Good Stuff Dave.
Oh the plastic try scafolding firms/ Building sites the stuff I have is from one it is used to sheet out scaffolds 2 mtrs wide and as long as you like. When Its used thay bin it. well they do here. work around any holes.

Off to try and get a new harp
Wow, you`ve really been active with your sowing this spring! Lots of interesting plants there. Strange how different seedlings grows different from season to season. Difficult to find the main reason for that. Maybe it`s just the way things are.
Liked your wicking system. Have three of the same kinds of long pots, and grow petunias in them during summer. They`re very heavy drinkers, so I haven`t been in need for drilling draining holes for them. Seems they cant get water enough.
Our weather seems the same as yours now, with a few warm days in the last. Night temperatures still low here, often frost.
All the best,
Thanks for this video, this is the first time I've tried growing plants from seeds. I started them in the basement and most have germinated which surprised me. But like you, it's just too cold and I don't see it warming up anytime in the near future so today I'm going out to buy neck goose cheap lamps to put grow lights in because soon the florescent lights won't do. Glad to see your progress because I now know that I'm still OK with what I'm doing. It's really not easy to grow food. Simple concept but the knowledge you need it tremendous or you kill everything.
You've got a nice variety of seedlings and they're looking good! I've run into the same problem of having plants that are ready to go outside, but it's still too cold. Hopefully, it will warm up soon.
I feel your pain, I have a number of plants that need to go outside but not only is it too cold, but we still have snow predicted for the next 3 days.
Your plants are looking very good and you have a nice variety of vegetables and greens.
How close are your seedlings to the CFL bulbs ?
I apologies for the second comment
you have a lot on the go ! I think we are all struggling now with enough space as we wait for the weather to warm !
Great job. You have so much seedings that great and even have some that looks so big and healthy. Can't wait to see them growing big. I'm so angry
Jay, if it is warm enough, you might start putting some of the biggest plants outside during the day. Your seedlings look nice and healthy.
I am running into the same problems, though I don't have as many starts as you! My Mashua started coming up and now it is going a little crazy. I don't know how I am going to manage with it vining all over the place! I set up little stick teepees for it to climb on for now. So far only one of my Yacon is sprouting up. Just showed itself a couple days ago.
You have a very the channel, and a little bit of that worm bedding to some distilled water and water your indoor plants this will give them such a boost. But it must be distilled water I water my plants, with only three more thinking quite a bit of minerals in the water. Keep up the good work
You are ahead of me. My plants are still seedlings. It has been cold and cloudy but it is spring like right now for the next ten days which will really help. Having to vent my little greenhouse instead of heating it. Bernard