March 15, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Proof Chickens ARE Smart

  1. I've got a barred rock that thinks she's a parrot and needs to be on my shoulder and a Rhode Island red and two sex links that think they are dogs and have to follow me around and jump in my lap if I sit down. The rest of the flock are "normal" and just do regular chicken things. Chickens are not stupid. Great video!

  2. My family's current chickens are the absolute opposite of smart. We turned our portable coop 90 degrees and they couldn't find the door. From then, they insisted on roosting on the handle of one of my lawn mowers at night. After a bit, that got turned and they wouldn't stand on it anymore. They had to be moved into the coop on a nightly basis. All but two of them eventually got killed because they wouldn't go in the coop and we couldn't find them. The only smart thing that mine have done is when the last two finally decided that going in the coop at night is a good idea. That took work, though! They were stubborn little things. They would hide in plain sight on our deck stairs and we had to catch them and carry them to their coop. Our old chickens were highly intelligent when compared to our current ones. Sadly, those ones got killed by a loose dog during the day. I'll be fair and say that some chickens are smart. Lol…

  3. I too believe chickens are smart 🙂 but I tend to believe that most all animals are smarter than we uppity humans believe 🙂 There are stupid people too…who walk over cliffs while playing games on their phones …>.< If we allow animals some room for thinking according to their experience and instincts and we just observe most will show more intelligence than we assume.
    We tend to be in a hurry all the time & expect our livestock to move or eat when we want it…I've learned the most from taking care of a feral cat who sought refuge in our garden from dogs. You can't force a cat to do anything…I try to get her to take refuge from storms but she'd rather weather it in the bushes or under a deck than take my direction to get her into our comfy 4 car garage. Some nights she goes in and is safe. Some nights she prefers to take her chances against bigger predators and be wild & enjoy her stalking. 🙂 animals are beautiful & deserve our respect.

  4. I have to see a chicken walk through that path that the chicken didn't walk through because he was supposably remembered this will prove that chicken remembers if the other chickens walked through the path it wouldn't walk through because it supposably remembered maybe all the chickens don't cross that path where the gate used to B

  5. Chickens can definitely be clever.

    They had chickens at the place my mom worked 25 years ago, in Sweden. The rooster was fairly adept at flying and could fly high enough to get out for the enclosure and perch on top of the roof of the barn/stable. He would never go far away from his wives, who could not fly well enough to get out, and he was too big to be targeted by any of the common local predators, so they let him. Then one day the rooster suddenly came rushing into the kitchen, clearly very upset. He had never even been close to the main house before. It turned out a fox had dug its way into the outdoor chicken enclosure area. The chickens were all panicking and the rooster apparently decided to go get help.

  6. I've had the same experience with my flock. I think they have good memories if rewarded with food…not all look, but the ones who had the experience reward & if they were successful the others come running over. With me it was pill bugs hiding under the barn door and every morning when I opened it they would run across the ramp…so the girls who found them would look every day to see if they were there. They also learn quick what areas to hide in when the hawks are overhead and often know when predators are around when I can't see them. I understand and respect their communication with me a lot more (they come to me and fuss about predators or something is wrong) and I agree they are smarter than people think.

  7. Amazing creature, very smart. I heard the estimate that a grown fowl has the intelligence comparable to a 7 year old human. Chimps are often compared to a 5 year old human.

  8. My chickens are afraid of cloth because when they were small, I used a cloth to cover the sun and it fell on them… My chicken loves to eat ants but when they were on the carpet, it was difficult to convince her to go eat. And it also was a long time ago

  9. I have a very young rooster that sleeps alone in his cage but he can't get up on his own. So he pecks me softly in the calf when he wants up. It's not just the fact that he pecks me for that, but that he does so gently, so I know it's not a hungry peck.

  10. The information was good but the clarity was terrible. Very low and not clear. Terrible video to watch and listen to. Stop mumbling and be clear and pull the camera back some so it's not so confusing

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