June 28, 2024

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Direction change for the next few weeks

  1. You have my prayers.    You my friend have the right priorities, family first, job second.   Another way of demonstrating your skill is to build things.    If you build like chicken coops/ cabinets etc, people see this buy it and instant proof of your skill.     I used to work for nothing fixing computers just to establish my skill, then having demonstrated my skill I had jobs.      Cheers

  2. Very touching life account, thank you for sharing. You have a big heart, clearly you love your wife and daughter and want the best for them. I personally don't care where you live as long as you and your family are happy and thriving, that's what matters.You have a treasure no money can buy.

  3. I'm sorry for what you are going though. As a disable I know what you are going through. I've been there. My prayers that things get better. Keep strong in your mind that helps a lot. always a positive mind. Take care.

  4. Seems to me like you made the compassionate decision for your family, based on all the information you had at the time.  I can tell this has not been easy for you.  You're right.  It's best to focus on the 'positives'.  You're living in a beautiful place and you have your family. Thanks for sharing your journey. 

  5. Tough decision to make but ultimately the right one for you and your family.
    Making a new life couldn't have been easy but you've done it.
    All the best,

  6. I wish you healing, health and a stable home with you family. Germany may be a good place for now but it may also be a good place for ever…only time will tell. I look forward to these new series of videos, may we all learn from your experience.

  7. I'm very proud to call you, friend, Jay. You are a good man. Few men would do what you did for your wife and daughter. You & I talked at length about your situation long ago and I've admired you ever since. Society has changed so much. It used to be people would sit on their front porches and neighbors would come by and talk. That's a rarity today. I will say though, that tragedy does bring people together sometimes. When we had terrible hurricanes and when that huge tornado hit just down the road and 30 plus people were killed, everyone got together to help. Sometimes it takes something devastating to happen before a true sense of community takes form. I hope that someday, God willing, you and your family will be able to come back. America needs more men like you around. I am so sorry you broke your rubs. I know first hand what that is like. Just make sure you don't get a cold or bronchitis on top of it like I did. That's not fun. I will be praying for you, Jay. Your friend, Paula Anne.

  8. Hope your ribs get better…..sound like you have gave all for the love of your daughter. Things in the U S are so unstable these days….may be best to over there at this time..

  9. Sometimes we just have to do what we have to do.  I believe that everything happens for a reason.  Hang in there, and enjoy being with your family.  They're all that really matters anyway.  😉

  10. Unfortunately it's not just communities and neighbors that don't seem to work together anymore it's also families don't even seem to work together anymore.
    I can remember roofing my Grandparents house when I was a little kid, I was too small to get on the roof but I ran shingles up the stairs and handed them out the windows to my Grandpa, Dad and Uncles, I really never see families doing this kind of thing anymore.

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