June 10, 2024

VIDEO: A few experiences that I strongly believe relate to today

Speaking of some experiences from many years ago that I strongly believe relate to world events today. This video went longer than I wanted. I will be doing a few other videos to expound. My intent is to get people to think in broader terms. Look at past events that I personally experienced, the immediate results as well as long term far reaching results. I hope to finish my thoughts with only a few more videos as I would prefer to return to gardening and self sufficiency. The trends I am seeing among certain types of people is upsetting and angers me. Some I know are ignorant people being led astray and others I know good and well are “instigators”. I hope that by making these videos and publishing them that I can clear my head and get back to self sufficiency…. the ONLY thing that can correct the problems.

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: A few experiences that I strongly believe relate to today

  1. I've never gotten the impression that you hated or even disliked The United States. You made it clear there was no family here and that you were trying to look out for your families future should anything happen to you. That is honorable. There are a lot of people who have no honor in them. Do what's best for you and your family.

  2. I transferred off USS Sphinx off the coast of Nicaragua ElSalvador Honduras Guatemala via a Army UH1 with open doors.  I sat sideways on a bench with only a 1 inch wide nylon strap pretending to be a seat belt. The pilot made a jiggle on the controls to make us believe that we were about to go swimming

  3. Lot of good points here. Especially that you served your country and that no one in the US should be able to talk crap to you about where you choose to live no matter what! I'm of Ukrainian heritage and find the current situation deeply upsetting. I just hope things don't escalate much more but I have a feeling that it's a certainty.

  4. Don't ever feel bad for leaving or listen to these people that doesn't understand that family is number 1. I participate on Puerto Rico's politics and I get insults. They have got in my 2 youtube channels to insult and in my Facebook which FB is shutting them out. They tell me to leave P.R. and go back to Brooklyn. but I say like you no one will shut me up. This is why. Puerto Rico a destroyed economy

  5. Great Upload Jay, i'm of the same mind as you, the best source for getting to the truth in these world problems is from someone that has lived through 'em,…msm is just government sponsored lies for those too complacent to do the research, thumbs up! 

  6. Because I see you're talking about news being mostly propaganda/misleading below in the comments, and just in general, I wanted to ask what you thought of Greenwald's site: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/

    He's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Greenwald Most I've come across online with similar mindsets find his stuff refreshing. He's mostly known from the Snowden/NSA hype. He isn't biased to any political party, he just wants journalist and whistle blowers to start exposing corruption from all the world's governments. Might not be your thing, I'm not sure. But I do agree with you.

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