June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Grow a Meyer Lemon Tree & Make the Fruit into Jam or Marmalade

How to make the best lemon marmalade or jam you will ever taste! Plus, tips about successfully growing a Meyer lemon tree. http://www.selfsufficientme.com/

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Grow a Meyer Lemon Tree & Make the Fruit into Jam or Marmalade

  1. Oh wow! This is a great method ^_^ Been a fan of your videos for quite some time. I have been making marmalade using different methods for a video and will be sure to link back when I try your method. Cheers and I'm glad things worked out for you and the lemon love of your life. 😀 lol!

  2. G'day Mark
    Great video mate I've just started watching your channel from the beginning. Keep up the good work. How long do you think the marmalade will last in the jars. Cheers Ash

  3. You are wonderful! Thanks for the video! The seed pectin is superb! I'll go to my tree very soon. My lemons are now ready to be picked. Please let us have a video on lemon jam too! Thanks.

  4. Hey Mark! Great video. I've been enjoying your videos for a while now but I haven't seen any of your early ones, but now that I have… wow, what a difference in quality of videos and (not sure how to daybthis without sounding weird) but you look so different today than 6 years ago. Good for you! You're an inspiration to me. I'm an older guy trying to get into shape, and whatever you did is what I want to do! Good on ya, mate!

  5. Hi This is a great find for me I have had a myer lemon tree for 10 years and had no clue I could make marmalade, thanks for the recipe, I can't wait to try it

  6. G’day Mark, I was searching YouTube for a fair dinkum marmalade recipe and low and behold my favorite down under YouTube’r with what looks like a great recipe! Wow how young you look in this video, I hope all is well with you and yours, stay safe and keep being awesome!

  7. Looks delish! In America that's marmalade. Jam doesn't have rind in it 🙂 and jelly is thicker almost like jello sometimes and doesn't seem to be as 'natural'. Thanks for sharing! I hope to have a Meyer lemon tree eventually

  8. Crush two garlic cloves and mix with half a jar of marmalade, our over two chicken breasts, leave overnight, cook in a slow cooker until tender and serve with rice..delicious

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