December 22, 2024

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Permaculture Garden Update

  1. Love the channel, great work with that garden! Something to know about Comfrey- it contains pyrrolizidine which causes cumulative liver damage over time if ingested. Sadly it's the same story with quite a few delicious & sweet smelling plants (many used medicinally for millennia). Green Deane has great info on that and other stuff here:

    Can't wait to see that place lush out.

  2. Very inspiring. I'm turning my backyard into a food forest. Do you have other perennials beside the fruit trees? I found that getting away from linear beds has really improved efficiency. My garden beds make a leaf shape. 

  3. hi from russia. very nice garden. its so small but somehow lokes like a big one at the same time. if raccoons dont like spiky plants u could plant Solanum sisymbriifolium, its more hardy then regular tomato, spiky as blackberry but not that invasive. Are there sunchokes planted somewhere? Very nice vegetables. Do u plant regular potato or a sweet potato? I think sweet potato could produce more, also its a nice groundcover but can take over. Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium, "wild tomato" is a mega-productive and hardy plant. Valerianella can be a nice repeatedly self-reseeding groundcover.

  4. U got a lot of vegetables but not that many fruits. While wating for perennial fruits u can plant some annual and herbaceous stuff like Chenopodium foliosum or Chenopodium capitatum, Physalis, Solanum caripense.

  5. Looking forward to seeing it all fill in @james prigioni 🙂 I hope borage is easy to germinate – I planted a lot and would love to see it in person.

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