June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Simple Tips to Help you Get your 7 a Day

I struggle to get 5 a day and many of you feel the same, so I had to look at some great simple steps you can take in order to help you get your 7 required portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Not all the data I share may be correct but it came from the results from an experiment of 65,000 people, you can read more here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-26818377 http://www.nhs.uk/news/2014/04April/Pages/Five-a-day-should-be-upped-to-seven-a-day.aspx Note: This is for information purposes only. I’m not saying to stay away from potatoes all together but like I said they unfortunately don’t count as part of your 7-a-day. Thank you very much for watching!

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Simple Tips to Help you Get your 7 a Day

  1. Did you say stay away from cashew nuts? If so, why is that? I didn't quite understand why you said to stay away from potatoes. Carrots and pineapple are my favorite things but they have too much sugar to eat too much of them. Just now getting into parsnips. Beets are awesome if you grow your own. Same with corn.

  2. yeah can foods are supposed to contribute significantly to arthritis problems too if you eat a lot of them so I hear. I like to eat a lot of wildplants too here and there good energy when your waiting for your vegetables to grow.

  3. American farming institute come up with 5 a day to sell more produce, its now 7. Its a joke, all to get more money out of you plus all the geg in stores are sprayed with cancer killing chemicals and full of GMOs which really screw u up.

    Its not wat you put in your mouth its about the bad stuff that u dont put in like sugary drinks, preservatives, colourings, msgs, additives, gmos, flouride n clorine in tap water, flouride in tooth paste.

    My nan died at 90 of old age, she never had 1 a day.

  4. U need to grow super antioxidant foods like goji berrys,, sea buckthorns, rose hips, spinach, oregano, even nettle leaves hold tons of goodnes.

    Perenial veg is the way, rhubarb, asparagus, figs, cranberries, blueberries, apples, pears, cherrys, strawberries, plums, nuts like hazel, almonds, wallnuts. Poridge oats. Sweat potatos. Thers so many thing you can grow if u prep your soil, its there for free folks, if u have garden or a field were no one goes like me.

  5. Hi Huw great set of videos you've got a new subscriber… a quick question from one of your earliest videos do you still sell plants at car boot sales if so any tips as I've had some success with my rooted cuttings and was thinking about selling them there many thanks bren.

  6. I think there is a fair bit of pseudo science and half understood facts in a lot this.  Be careful about giving out medical advice unless you are medically qualified Huw.  Just a bit of well intentioned advice.  BTW Roasted parsnips are a very poor substitute for a roast tattie.  Did you know that more people get their vitamin C from potatoes than fresh oranges?

  7. The take home message of the study showed "When it comes to fruit and vegetables, as long as you watch your calorie and sugar intake it is very much the case of “the more the merrier”  – The same rule applies to starch and this study totally missed that part – The U.S. Dietary Guidelines have always shown that potatoes can be part of a well-balanced diet. Potatoes contain antioxidants. Potatoes can be part of a weight loss regimen. Research released by the University of California, Davis and the National Center for Food Safety and Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology in October 2010 demonstrates that people can include potatoes in their diet and still lose weight. The results of this study confirm what health professionals and nutrition experts have said for years; when it comes to weight loss, it is not about eliminating a certain food or food groups, rather, it is reducing calories that count. So, I'll continue to "count" my organic tubers as a serving… And using a Juicer is an amazing way to include + servings per day of the others.  Thanks for sharing your information 🙂

  8. I think we do eat too much bread and potatoes in the UK, but its nice not to be patronized about it which is a big turn off, a lot easier to listen to someone such as yourself than the government.
    Would you do a video about what ordinary people can do to help bees and polinators? I think if it cokes from you people might listen.

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