The wait is over! the surprise is here! The NEW MIgardener website is for everyone to go to find free information Check out the website here:
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450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds .99/pack, fertilizer, garden tools, blog & More:
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That's great man!
Luke !!!!! You're a mad man!!! I have loved everything you've accomplished, and appreciate all your efforts you put forth into what you've done. This is a FANTASTIC idea — A one stop shop to all of the information you continue to share. Thanks for being a great source of inspiration
I thought you were going to announce that you were getting married even though you had already spilled the beans.
The site looks great!!!
Thank you donor and MIgardener. This is wonderful news.
This is so exciting!! Great, awesome idea. I'm definitely heading over to the website right now to check it out
I like the mid week food videos.
Site is nice and clean, first e book is excellent, awesome!!!
This is very exciting. The site looks amazing, cannot wait to see all the content that will be added there as well as more videos coming from you guys. Keep up the great work!
Yay!!! Congrats on the website Luke =) I have shared on my FB and my garden FB page =) Can't wait to start digging around and checking it out.
Congratulations. Thank You both for all the work !
Congratulations on the web site! Can't wait to go check it out.
@***** – I'm happy for you Luke, you deserve all you have from your hard work. Keep it up! You're an inspiration to so many people and I couldn't be happier for you! Heading over there to check it out now.
I took a look at your website
I just wanted to say that I am very pleased with the PDF complete guide to organic tomatoes that you published! I couldn't have said that information better myself. Being that I went to school for horticulture, that was a really great guide for people that don't fully know the different signals that plants give to us and what they mean! Keep up the great work and maybe one day my channel will be as successful as you guys! Best of luck MIgardener! 
this is amazing! i'll be following those sites. HEY i'm gonna try growing eggplant this year so if you have any knowledge to spread on eggplant gardening, I WOULD LOVE A VIDEO ABOUT IT
congrats. this is an awesomewebsite.
dude you saved my vegetable garden last year. you probably don't remember you give me key advise how to adjust the pH in my soil.
I needed to raise my PH soil was way too acidic after a test I ran with fancy soil pH testing kit ..the ratio you give me limestone to water saved my garden and I highly appreciated .
I wish you great luck in your new adventure I bet you this website will help other gardeners. I wish you all the financial success you truly deserve.
Thank you Lady Donor for allowing Luke and Cindy's development opportunities to happen
Well done hey.
Looks great.
You guys make a great team.
Cool web page. I dont know if you use paypal but they have an easy way to make a donate button which you could add to your site for those who wish to contribute to your work.
lovely update and well done will follow and look at your website
Good luck with the website! I really appreciate the guide to growing tomatoes. Thank you!
Congrats guys!
All right! Congrats. Will check it out.
Did everyone watch until the end? Mr. Luke smelled the soil. So why did you do that and what did you determine??? You guys are cute together….I am biased and proud of you both. Of course I always need a tissue watching, your success and my pride in having such a fantastic son as well as future daughter in law.
Hey I've got a question for you. What kind of mic did you get and where did you get it from?
Congratulations! You guys are awesome! Spreading health, self esteem and happiness through gardening!
Looks great! Very nice looking website guys!