March 11, 2025

VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Planting Broccoli

This week I plant out my broccoli and give you a quick update on everything that’s growing on the allotment.

“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Planting Broccoli

  1. Great update Adam. I wondered where you'd got to :oP Your PSB looks very healthy. I used to grow it a lot but in the end I got fed up with all the white fiy they attracted.
    I'd guess its slugs on ya lettice (could be wrong though).
    It looks a nice walk down that lane to your plot. 

    Best Wishes. Chris

  2. Ive got those holes in my rhubarb as well.  I haven't seen the culprit but people online are pointing the finger at a Japanese beetle (not sure if they mean a particular variety or if there is a single Japanese beetle running up and down the country having a nosh on rhubarb leaves).  I don't know if they are right, the rhubarb sticks don't seem to get harmed but the leaves get holes in and this slows the growth.  If I find out more I will leave another comment.

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