June 8, 2024

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Relief on The Plot – Allotment Grow How

  1. That's really nice! I have had to build my own. The one that was in there froze to shards. The previous renter wasn't too smart with the plot and broke pretty much everything that was able to break. Put a new one in last fall. I have my own septic system and electricity network there as well. A standalone plot is a nice thing to have but it's not cheap. The only real benefit i have is that i don't need to garden according to other people's views.

  2. We arnt lucky enough to have toilets on our site but I have a lift top bench in my hand built shed where I have my very own bucket lol. My neighbour has made his own Loo shed and has a camping loo in it which I was going to do but opted for the bench and bucket job lol.

  3. Great update. I was curious to see the end product. Is there a dividing wall inside where the solids and liquid are separated into sawdust bins? Interesting it's all on the same level. The ones I've seen before there's a pit beneath where the separated waste drops into it's respective bins.
    loo -king very good I have to say. Dead handy now for when you poop down the allotment. Solid structure well secured so no chance of pee -ping toms when people are spending a penny.
    That's all I've got. I'm here all week Tell your friends. Thank you. And good night 🙂

  4. Hey there, my friend. It's been awhile. Nice loo, but I see someone put a dent in the door already. Nothing stays new looking for long. Good seeing you at the allotment again. Hope you have a great Christmas.

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