March 17, 2025

VIDEO: How Much Is 1 Inch of Water When Watering The Gardening

Everyone always says that 1 inch of water per week is the right amount of water that a garden should be getting. But how do you know what 1 inch of water looks like? Here is how!
Cubic Inches to gallon converter –
Gallon to Liter converter –
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How Much Is 1 Inch of Water When Watering The Gardening

  1. I can not tell you how long I've been searching for a simple way to calculate that darn 'one inch water' guideline and you've answered my question with the simplest online calculator I've ever found. Thank You so much, MIgardener

  2. It's all about working out the volume.

    You need 1 inch height of water, over an area of 1 foot by 1 foot.

    So the volume of water you need, for 1 square foot is:

    1 inch height x 12 inches width x 12 inches length = 144 inches cubed of water in volume
    (Remember, 1 foot = 12 inches)

    Volume can be measured in various units:
    144 inches cubed is equivalent to:
    2359 cm cubed
    2.3 liters
    0.6 gallons
    4.2 pints
    10 cups

  3. Well, I am happy to announce that I have been overwatering my plants. Sometimes I'll give my my grown tomato plants a gallon twice a week. I fill up the watering can from the rain barrel and walk back and forth and back and forth. Jeez, my poor back is going to be happy this summer!

  4. Yea, so how much is .6 gallons of watering? Let's find out.
    We want to know how many seconds to water each plant. Let's pretend a plant is 1sq.ft.
    Step 1: Find out flow rate of hose with your typical nozzle setting. Mine was about 4gal per minute. This should be pretty typical, medium flow shower setting.
    Step 2: 4gal per minute is about .07 gal per second. We need .6gal per week.
    This would be about 10 seconds of watering per week. Or a little over 3seconds every other day.

  5. Help, please. I’ve always under-watered my shrubs, so I was happy to come across your YouTube video. After watching the same several times, I thought that, when you were measuring the plant’s length times the width [12” x 12”], that you were measuring that particular plant by it’s drip line. So, instead of using 12” x 12” for each shrub at my home, because they vary in size, I measured the length times the width at the drip line, then followed your formula for calculating 1 inch of water per week on larger shrubs. Correct?

  6. I'm even more confused then when I stated. For those of us that use International Standard Units and not US units what is an inch, what is a gallon. How much would this be in litres per square metre. I'm left non the wiser.

  7. I can’t thank you enough for this video! I was going crazy with the “water 1 inch per week” info on website with no other info on calculations! Thank you!!!

  8. I didn't understand a single thing, it started to sound complicated so I got frustrated. I've waited my entire life to have a garden but 2 years straight everything's yellow and dying, Ive read plants can turn yellow from over and under watering though and don't know which I'm doing (my kale has bugs everywhere, my tomatoes have bumps on the stems and the tomatoes never look normal). I wish I had 1 real life gardening friend to show me but how long to hold the hose over a plant would be helpful.

  9. “Hey guys, all you have to do is a ton of complicated math and that’s one inch of water for your plants.” Any questions? LOL. This video brought me joy though. <3 because I just got a house and it has a nice garden.

  10. 1 inch of wate is approximately half a gallon per 1 square foot space.

    (0.62 gallon, so its more like 2/3 gallon but half gallon is just easier for me to remember)

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