June 10, 2024

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Gooseberries and Potatoes

  1. Best update I have seen all year mate.  What gets me is that the potato plants were dead and you still did better than me 😉  I am definitely cheering my onion on.  Its a shame I can only press 'Like' on this one once.  All the best Adam and thanks for a great video.

  2. That was hilarious – you were born to youtube. Really nice looking plot and harvest. By the way my onion is the one at the back that had fallen over laughing lol.

  3. Great plot up-date Adam! I don't water my potatoes that are planted in the ground either mate. I like my onion too Adam.It's shape is not dissimilar to the shape of my head!! Spuds look great to me too. The first ones I lifted the other day the slugs had got there before I did … Cheers fella. Chris

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