June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Garden Pests – How to Deal With Slugs and Snails – Stopping Slugs in Your Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
Creating an environment that your plants will thrive in is essential for their long-term health, but it’s also important to be aware of pests which can damage them.

Slugs and snails are often named as the gardener’s worst enemy, but there are many ways in which you can avoid these slimy creatures harming your crops.

In this video we discuss the positive and negative aspects of commercial pesticides, which natural predators you can encourage into your garden to help keep the slug and snail numbers down, and we demonstrate organic prevention techniques which you can use.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Pests – How to Deal With Slugs and Snails – Stopping Slugs in Your Vegetable Garden

  1. I think my novice method worked well. See 5 or 6 slugs on a leaf, freak out, flick the leaf to send them flying, then spend 15 minutes frantically checking every inch of my clothes, pockets, hair, for slugs… while freaking out.

  2. For those with a pond, create an island where you can banish all snails you find. It's quite interesting and leaves them wide open for birds to get.

  3. Thank you for mentioning the Beer Trap. It will kill them, which in my opinion is the best solution. Other solutions simply keep them alive to multiply and destroy our and neighbor's food supplies. let's do our part to put Slugs and Snails on the endangered species list before they evolve to destroy farmed crops.

  4. I found a lot of slugs and snails hiding under rhubarb leaves with holes in (that I thought they did not eat). I put them all in a bucket. One was stuck on garden mesh and when I tried to pick it off, I heard a noise like a scream – I put it down until it crawled off the mesh and then put it in the bucket. I then covered them all in slug pellets but they crawled up the side of the bucket so I put a big flower pot over them and covered the hole in the pot. None have emerged.

  5. There's no way they get an electric shock from a couple of bits of copper pipe lying around. I read the copper causes a chemical reaction and makes their skin feel bad where it comes into contact with the copper.

  6. I found several UK videos on making your own solution to grow slug killing nemotoades like this one https://youtu.be/Gg1cosZY6k0 Question: Are slug killing nemotoades in the USA soil too? Can I make my own from infected slugs in USA (PNW)? Can't find Nemoslug product availability in USA, tried Amazon, Ebay, and a half dozen online nurseries/seed suppliers. Slug traps with DIY bsyr (1 prt yeast to 2 prts sugar & flour) take a lot of maintenance with big/multiple gardens. Sluggo and even NemaSlug are expensive. I want to try slug killing nemotodes. Help!

  7. Use slug pellets which are approved for organic gardening during slug population peaks until natural predators are able to regain control and then discontinue use.

    Beer traps attract slugs from all around who are attracted by both the beer and the slime of dead slug bodies which they also consume, creating a continual slug black hole right in the middle of your garden.

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