Slugs are one of the most hated enemies in almost all gardens, especially vegetable gardens where they can destroy your well earned harvests. But never fear as a fun method is here, I hope you enjoy this fun video!
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Awww..lovely video. I love animals and would love to have ducks.
I had ducks before but had them just in my yard (my garden was more flowers then veggies) – they were the best for getting rid of my camelback cricket problem – I had a huge cricket problem and it didn't take them long to take care of it – when I was getting ready to move and gave my ducks away within two weeks I was seeing crickets EVERYWHERE including inside the house – would recommend ducks for insect control
I would love to have ducks on my allotment!
Cool vid, Huw!
Would like to have some ducks, but there`s a lot of hawks and foxes here.
I collect the slugs in my yard by hand picking every evening. Just to know that a single slug can lay 400 eggs, and that I`m able to take out that one, keeps me going.
Last summer I collected about 5000-6000 spanish slugs. (Arion vulgaris) from the garden.
Multiplying this amount with 400, will give over 2 million slugs. Just to know that I saved my garden from two million slugs this year gives a good feeling. Lol..
All the best,
Do geese work the same for slugs and snails?
my indian runner ducks keep my garden slug and insect free
Thanks for the video. We go around with a 2 L bottle, and cut the top end of it off and fill it with slugs.
Thanks for the video. We go around with a 2 L bottle, and cut the top end of it off and fill it with slugs.
Nicely done, Huw! I would love to have duck slug busters! As Bill Mollison said “You don’t have a slug problem, you have a duck deficiency.”
I love the sounds they make. Very fun and happy sounds.
I have Ducks. Two miniature Silver appleyards and two Call Ducks ( We had our own home grown Ducklings again this year some of which went to a local Farmers son!).
I have ducks and at this time about 15 Muscovy and a Muscovy hen on more eggs. They take care of slugs and other bugs and insects.
I love the ducks! I wish I had the ability to have some birds
In the city we can't have ducks
So I do it by hand and actually this was the worst year for slugs and not tiny ones that I was used to seeing.
Great video!
Hello Huw, we're fortunate to live on 21,000 acres in what was Rhodesia,
now Zimababwe. My mother is the horticulturalist in our family, she is also
a Master Gardener (Royal Horticultural Society) and Rose (Cants of Colchester) 'aficianada'.
Well, we have Rouen ducks, Doppelganger turkeys, Chinese pheasants, peacocks and Australorp fowl, that are ALL amazing 'Slug Busters'. They never eat the fruit or vegetables either – seem to know their duties – very colorful and entertaining.
The peacocks are very noisy!
nice! I had a pigeons, but my mum is not a fan of snakes…so i have to do away with them. I am thinking of getting a couple of rabbits…do the ducks pick at the vegetables at all?
It's very interesting Huw. Do the ducks scratch the ground when looking for slugs on a wet day?.
I recommend using broken up bits of eggshells around the plant. It works like razor wire to slugs and is completely organic.
Hi there. I have Muscovy ducks and a call duck. They do a great job of keeping down the bugs in our yard here at our small farm in Eastern Canada. Love you videos. Ronda
very good idea
why don't they fly away?
cool,Duck on patrol, slugs havnt moved so fast…
awesome video, thanks,. thumbs up
Most interesting slug control video i've seen!
I use pellets if growing on the ground. For my containers i use copper tape which has been quite successful. I actually went out at night to patrol and saw lots of slugs around but none ate my seedlings in the containers. Seems they can't pass the copper tape!
I see you remade this video.