Great news! One of our female Pekin ducks has naturally hatched out 7 ducklings and they are the cutest things you’ll ever see. In this video, I show the drama of when I found the first duckling and I also show my isolation pen setup to keep mother duck and her ducklings safe and happy.
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So sweet congratulations !
Congrats Mark on the ducklings..
Where's papa duck? Beautiful ducklings
those are not pure breed pekins they have some white runner duck in them
How many days are require for natural hitching ?
Thank you for your great video. I have just bought a drake and a hen ( 6 months old). The girl laid the first egg. I really want to see her going broody. Are the first eggs always fertile, or should I start picking the first 5-6 and then let her sit on the rest that she will lay in the future? (if she goes broody)
I only have 1 female & 1 male pekin.I was wondering why my female didn't sit to hatch her eggs.thanks for answering .I wish she would.oh well
Congratulations great video
How many days it take to hatch
Awww i l9ve ducks my duck tame
You're a very GOOD MAN!
Very thoughtful with your care!
I Subscribed!
Question i have 9 hatched pekin ducks can the male go with the ducklings because i separated the male and my ducklings are 4 days old
I just started mine here sir..
I only have one coop with one female and one male, if my female was to lay eggs would my Drake be aggressive and kill the ducklings
Do ducks require lights as chickens do for at least sixteen hours and it seems like the ducks look after the eggs until their ready to sit on them ,, is that right ?
I have some Pekin ducks and they're very Brady right now and this is December we're here in Springfield Tennessee my question is for you is do I need to start building a nursery or an isolation pin as you stay for her and her ducklings?
I respect all your opinions and your advice on these kind of things I'm a new Homestead with ducks and need all the help I can get from you and and your knowledge.
Hope to hear from you soon I watch all your videos and save all your videos I'm interesting to see how my potatoes and carrots and fruits and vegetables will turn out this coming next year 2020 my name is Renette Wortham and I just love all your videos.
There so cute I remember when mine were babies
Mom: "Hey! Stop taking pictures of my kids! Weirdo!"
You should give your chooks shell grit or egg shells
At some point in my life I wanna get away from my city life and do what u do. Love watching ur videos.
Well done. Great video, I learnt heaps.
Aww how cute
thank you for a awesome video
My pekin duck dose not hutch the eggs and she break it sometimes what I can do to make it hutch the eggs?
Hello! I am a newbie at this. I bought ducklings last year. Have 7 hens left and one drake. I have been following their lead. At the point of waiting for eggs to hatch any day now. Thank you for the video and idea of isolation pens. We live in the country and worry about all predictors!! Cute video!
Have you ever heard of muscovy ducks. I have four of them. They are already around 28 weeks old 1 male, 3 females. They dont seem very comfortable laying yet. What could be the problem?
I loved to see those little ducklings.
Cool mama duck.