This video gives a quick explanation on how to use a recycled pickle jar for lacto fermentation purposes with an example of sauerkraut. It is not how to make sauerkraut but more so how lacto fermentation is beneficial and how a standard jar can be effectively used for the process.
I go my idea for this jar from Ann at Gideon Gardens here channel is here
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Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Looks good. I decided to make come sauerkraut last year. I used a 2 gallon crock, which I found at the local feed store, and was able to fit 4 heads of cabbage. I had to supplement with just a little distilled water, but the salt brings out most of the liquid. It turned out really well. Next I want to try pickles. I really want to try pickled fruit as well.
Great change of pace mate. Why not do one showing the whole process – doesn't have to be sauerkraut. Oh, if you want to learn to make spirits, I have a step by step play list. I also make liquors with my fruit the same way. Have a good one brother.
That's a good idea, Mark/Ann! I have fermented in a mason jar before, but with the hassle of always re-adjusting the jar lid. I gotta get me one of those gadgets!
Heya Mark. Nice tip – you'll just want to keep an eye on any rust around the grommet. I've never bothered with air locks when fermenting veggies. I just loosely tighten the lid and let off any excess gas every day. Even a big jar doesn't kick out enough gas to explode the jar over a couple of days. I've never had a batch go stinky but have over fermented veggies to mush a couple of times.
That was really interesting. Obviously I have lots to go and read up on now. Thanks for introducing me to the subject.
Nice result Mark.. Have made our own sour dough here but our lacto veggies were given a leg up by commercial culture bacteria.. Think we the batches we made go a bit too far & turned to mush.. Will be having another crack at it though..
Thanks for showing your results mate
I love lacto fermenting, been doing it for 3 years now! I also do my own yogurt, creme fraiche, and sourdough breads, such good foods and good for us
can't wait to try this out! have you tried making kefir from kefir grains? please post a video if you have!
The problem with using a fermentation lock for sauerkraut fermentation, is that outside air and the water in the lock gets sucked in to sauerkraut when the fermentation starts to wind down or if there is a temperature drop. It may not be a major problem. I have a design which implements a low pressure check valve which eliminates this problem. A video will be forthcoming.
Hey, sorry if you've answered this already – what size hole did you drill and what size gromit did you use for the airlock? I'll have a go myself, and this may save some trial and error. Cheers!
Hi – a very good video, thank you.
I do not use any salt for my sauerkraut and rejuvelac. When I make the sauerkraut, I try to push all the air out, and seal it on top with cabbage leaves.
I use (and not always), a glass filled with water, on top. plastic bag might not be good.
Good video mate, like it, like a lot, was that a plastic lid or a metal coated lid.
How do you call this rubber ring, you are mentioning, please?
Where did you get the grommet?
I thought this was a DIY airlock. You bought the airlock. Clickbait