This video shows how easy it is to grow a grape vine in your backyard and even off your house! Plus we cover pruning and propagation of new plants from cuttings.
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Looks good
Thanks for the propagation ideas! I use them on my grapes!
Thanks for the video! Very informative.
Can you root the cuttings only using water?
Heard of Japanese beetles ?
How often do I water a matured vine stem from the base per day or week and how much water. Thanks. love your video
My zone is very hot almost all year around (60° – 100°) what kind of grapes you think are more suitable for tropical zones ?
Beautiful spot for a grapevine
Thank you so much this video was so helpful!
I love your videos. but this one took me by surprise. not the content which was great but how much you have changed over the years. I have seen most of your other videos which are much later. it was a surprise to come back to this one when I'm used to you looking and acting different
Deadset easy?
Could I prune the end back a bit so that it isn't super huge and long so it can fit on an arbour
We've just built a cattle panel grape arbor with fifteen inch wide and 10 inch deep grow boxes at the base of each side of the arbor. After building it all, I began to wonder if the boxes will stifle the root system of the plants. Our natural soil is clay. This is why We built the boxes. . . so the plants could grow in better soil. Am I okay to grow the grapes this way, or am I better off to grow them in the natural soil without boxes, even if that soil is clay?
You’ve gotten much more comfortable in your videos. Great stuff. Thank you
Wow you have a beautiful backyard…
Love all your videos! Question, once the grapes are established does the base of the vine need direct sun? I want to put containers in the spot just in front of where the vine is in the ground. Will this kill my grapes?
It’s amazing to see how much your videos have improved but this one was informative too.
Thank you. I just bought a grape plant and still needs planted. This has been a very helpful video and you made it sound so simple to grow grapes!
Look how calm you are 6 years ago hahaha.. nowadays you’re damn good at being dramatic to catch our attention
How old is your vine I have just planted 2for the very same reason as you but also to screen a nosey neighbour
I can across an awesome compilation of videos that may help you at Grape grower folio
I found your video on Grape grower folio – there are lots good videos there that will help you
I have spent months investigating scuppernong vine and discovered a fantastic website at Grape grower folio (check it out on google)
Omg this is an old video, almost didn't recognize him as he doesn't have his talking to the camera skill he has now
Love your channel so helpful! You also remind me of my awesome uncle!
Too many wasps from the forest at the back of my section for me to have my grapes over my deck. Wish I could cos I face north and it's stinking hot lol
Could this work with a planter like on a front porch railing?
What do you use to hide your dirty Aussie laundry?
Good overview Mark, one question – how to you stop the fruit fly or pests eating the grapes. I’ve got a similar vine in a Eumundi and difficult to net.