Just type “EU water does not rehydrate” into your search engine and watch the links roll in.
VIDEO: New insanity revealed Polititicians say water does not rehydrate
Just type “EU water does not rehydrate” into your search engine and watch the links roll in.
Educated beyond their ability to have common sense. Fact is they are wrong, you can drink all day long and still get dehydrated, but if you drink water you can prevent or even rehydrate your body. It's got a lot to do with the chemical changes that take place when water is converted to some other form of liquid. That is a Fact, not an assumption. Even the simple change of adding cool aid is enough to change the chemical properties of water.
brought to you by the same morons that brought you global cooling in the 70's, global warming in the 90's and climate change in the 2000's it's called weather morons. these guys are so smart their stupid. lol
They also said bananas should be straight not bent lol. These people get paid to do this. I remember this report.
Sometimes its better to laugh otherwise I would be sat with my head in my hands crying.
We are ruled by idiots and puppets. And we pay for them to do it.
The UK pays the EU 52 million per DAY to be in the club something not right for what I do not know and what they do with it I do not know.
Dont get me going
Haha, that was a good one!
You know, sometimes I dont know if I should cry or laugh over those EU-things. So happy we aint a member of such a "club". I think many of those EU-politicians needs to get protection against themselves..
All the best,
I live in the Southern California desert and KNOW that water rehydrates. I do not depend on scientists to let me know this. I also do not buy bottled water, the bottles contain bHT and it makes the water bad if exposed to sunlight.
LOL,….thanx good buddy, you've just given me my first laugh of the day,….hehehe,..what?!! And i thought idiots existed only in third world countries like here! =P Thumbs up Jay!