March 26, 2025

VIDEO: *HD RE-UPLOAD* GIANT Celery and Wildlife Abound | MIgardener

Join me as we harvest our giant celery, sunflowers, yard long beans,
and more!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: *HD RE-UPLOAD* GIANT Celery and Wildlife Abound | MIgardener

  1. I am so excited to have found your videos! I'm just starting to get into gardening.. Organic of course and these videos are so helpful and seeing the crop at harvest is amazing! Keep your videos up! I love them:)!

  2. I put the bottom of my celery in water to root them for a new plant.  If I harvested the celery but cutting it will this leave the roots to grow celery next year?

  3. Its weird to me knowing americans cook celery. In the UK its just a salad veg that you eat raw. I can't think of a single time i've ever heard of celery being eaten cooked in this country. Its a shame because it has good flavour, but you can only buy salad celery here anyway.

  4. My celery turned brown and mushy on the inside at lower plant to root level. It came on within 3 days. They had full sun and got watered once a day for two minutes at a time. There were some worms present but I think they may have moved in because of the rot. Ideas?

  5. i am curious how you store the celery, can't possibly eat it that fast, how do you keep it fresh would it keep well in a nailon tunnel if i cover it and keep it in the soil for cold months?

  6. Wow those are huge celery plants.ive never seen celery that big.not even at the store.ive been using the ends of the stalks from the ones from the store I'm getting baby celery starting they are so tiny and cute lol.i grew jumbo sunflowers years ago I had about 10 sun flower heads I harvested for seed they were huge I had so much seeds

  7. The bees are all around me to when in the garden. I keep towl with me to swing at them. I was stung 3 times. A week ago Thursday my arm and body swelled up and turned red and itched, lasted about 5 days.

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