May 18, 2024

VIDEO: progress basket and more thoughts on sustainability

progress on my concrete pylons, the basket and a few thoughts on “sustainability”. Why I am concerned about the broad meaning that is being applied to the term “sustainable”. There are a lot of good people doing some very good things that make a wonderful contribution but I do not consider them as sustainable. True sustainability should result in freedom and independence. Many things being touted as sustainable, when looked at objectively, actually increase dependence on the economic system and other “organizations”. I do consider these things to be good IF they are practiced individually and/or in small communities and on a small scale. Not as a primary.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: progress basket and more thoughts on sustainability

  1. Lessen you footprint would is a better term to use and it is something you CAN accomplish. I agree with you about how sustainble is being used. We are also much cooler here in Virginia and a lot of my viewers are saying the same thing where they live. I am expecting a early frost and a colder winter. All of the signs are pointing to it this year. Bernard

  2. I have not heard of Agenda 21 till now. I do not watch TV. But I do agree everything that can be made into a marketing strategy is and will be used. My mom was telling me of a store using the term Farm fresh. If you think about it. Everything is farm fresh. Because it was grown on a farm. That makes it some what true.  Then it has to travel to get to market. When I told her think about it. The …….. was grown in Mexico, right. And we are in ……. So how fresh is it?  The only real farm fresh is what you pick off the plant and eat that day.
    But there are many people waking up every day and realizing the truth. Many are still asleep. And many are fooled, by tricky advertising.
    I need to look threw your videos. What is around your plants, like pots?

  3. True Sustainability is like that diagram that softdrink manufacturers put on aluminum cans or pet bottles, its creating YOUR OWN circle and not having to gain other resources, its using the same materials and cash to keep it goin',….seems like we all gotta be on our toes to not fall for disinformation, first frost already and september hasn't ended,….brrrrrr….weather forecast over here is two weeks partly cloudy days with chances of rain, this and next week, so far only yesterday it rained some and that quickly cooled the temp, feels indian summer like, that stifling dry heat that is custom here is absent for the moment. Uprated and thankin' ya for sharin' your wisdom Jay! 

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