May 16, 2024

VIDEO: Part 1 Schnapshaus Esslingen distilling for drinking and tinctures

Schnaps is a big tradition here. In the older families it is considered to be a mark of great hospitality to offer their guest schnaps. Schnaps making is also tradition and a fine art. It is regulated through schnaps vereins, a club. Total amount of mash to be distilled must be reported to the State. There is a standard developed concerning how many liters of schnaps can be expected to be distilled from a given amount of mash. Taxes must be paid on it. The monetary cost per liter is generally much less than paid in the stores but the time for harvesting fruit, preparing it and distilling it does deter many people. Corporate economic forces are the main power keeping the taxes higher specifically in order to deter people doing it. The biggest advantages for one to do it are 1) It IS an interesting hobby. 2) Quality is almost always high. Even a poor distiller can make better quality than most of the store brands. 3) One is absolutely sure of the quality of fruit and there are no additives.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Part 1 Schnapshaus Esslingen distilling for drinking and tinctures

  1. Like yourself, I'm not much of a drinker but I have always found the process fascinating.

    I see YouTube is harassing people again, I swear they're like a little kid that grabs a handful of sand and throws it in another kids face for no reason.

  2. Very informative and INTERESTING,….i was thinking Granny Moses of Beverly Hillbillies 'still' and i was beaming when ya said the word 'still' a coupla times, wow,….so if ya all didn't pay taxes on the Schnaps, this would be bootleg stuff? Ah, YouTube, a friend in Saint Denis, France cited various 'violations' of copyright laws when she cites from articles online, so now in order to stop the chastizing from YT, she shows only a blank screen while she talks and another from Brazil, uploading music videos as soon as she uploads, YouTube blocks the content, protecting copyright, doesn't YouTube know that this free publicity actually helps the author? Uprated Jay, thanx for sharin' and now on to part 2!! 

  3. This is like the ideal of moon shine. My grandpa use to make the stuff back in the day. He even got arrested for it. There was quite a story to go with that event. LOL. It is amazing you get taxed on all the steps to make this too. That is a nice still. But, I am glad you have someone to do this with you.

  4. A manufacturer from Germany made an offer to me. Mister Klaus-Gerhard Hofelich

    Kothe Destillationstechnik
    Beltstr. 3 73054 Eislingen/Fils

    The equipment is very similar. Did you order from him?

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