June 10, 2024

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Succession Towards a Food Forest

  1. So happy to see ya. Everything still looks great. I'm already planing next years garden. It's like starting from scratch here. My old home was like a food forest. I inter planted there. Any way have a great day.

  2. Thanks for the tip's, can't wait to try some of your idea's out in my own garden. I like the natural mimicry theme a lot. Studying nature is so helpful to me. Some times I just have to not have a garden and do it when it's easier. Or just grow a tiny garden so I have a lot more time to study things. Take care man.

    Joe in Texas

  3. Your soil looks dark and moist. It's 38degC (100F) at my house here in Queensland Australia today and I've just ordered 3000 gallons of municipal water because our tanks have run dry. Seeing your green plants and moist soil was a nice contrast to my wilting plants. Cheers, James. Glad you found the time for an update – it's nice to see what your up to.

  4. Hi James, it's been a while now I am watching your videos. I really feel good just watching them. I didn't put yet on my channel any videos concerning my potager garden. I will . I'm a dog lover, enjoyed yours in the snow… Really getting more and more into permaculture… Love it the way it is, designed not to be a strait lines obsession dedication, but a dedication to beauty and that's the best moments I get watching beautiful things in nature.I also love harvesting but best moment is watching nature… So thank you James, for you're little nature place in a urban surrounding!  Merci beaucoup monsieur so peaceful.

  5. in one of your videos you mentioned and linked to a book about guild planting called Carrot something, here in Florida its nearly planting time and I'd love that link so we can get the book ASAP we are going to start digging for our huegle beds soon and I'm a bit ocd with planning and though we wont plant for another month or so i'd like to be able to have my beds planned out

  6. Enjoyed your videos James .. I think I missed only a few 🙂 I learned  a lot! I started studying this approach to farming a few years ago but seeing it on this scale from start to finish was so helpful and pure inspiration! I look forward to seeing what you do next. I also really appreciate your place on sharing and preparing. We are grateful for those cycles!! LOVE to you man 

  7. I have been watching ur videos n wondering y u haven't put anything up for a while. Pls do share. . as its really a great inspiration for me.

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