June 9, 2024

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: yacon harvest 2014

  1. You are speaking some pretty good truths there.  I am not a vegetarian but I just cannot condone factory farmed meat anymore.  This is something that I have personally felt challenged about for quite a while now.  I just cannot give money to this kind of food production.

  2. So happy to see your harvest. I have a yacon in my window. This is my first time too. I read it takes 7-8 months till harvest. I am having some black spots form on the lower leafs and then to the next when I take them off. Is that what is on yours?  Did you just leave the leaf on? i posted a video on mine in my winter garden window.

  3. Very interesting, I've never heard of a yacon plant before and neither has my auto correct…it keeps trying to put 'bacon' in its place ! lol  I'm going to have to do some research on this. So hard to remember that your in Germany and not here.

  4. Thanks for the morning chat Jay..  Most of the folks we now trade with & buy from are semi local.. There are still a few things that we can only get through larger stores as all the small mom & pop concerns are folding left right & centre :-/
    Can call on the neighbours for a hand & offer my help in return but they are not to into providing for themselves.. Will be raiding one neighbours pool for duck weed to turn into compost on the weekend 😉 
    Great looking yacon harvest Mate.. D you think you'll be planting a lot more out next season ?
    Cheers 🙂

  5. I have found yacon to be a very hardy plant.    I have moved it to very poor soil it is not thriving but is is doing far better than other plants there.    

  6. Yeah, YouTube Community is COOL, but like ya say Jay, REAL Community is where we're at,….I do know the names of my neighbors but it seems they're still "stuck" in the "earning money" mode,….I mean money is important but we have to also have to go back to our original community. People still intent on providing the best educational opportunities in a land that the public school system is peanuts and private schools charge an arm and a leg for teaching your child, I guess if they don't make the first move, WE gotta be the ones to make it. Uprated, happy Yacon eating and thanks for sharin' good buddy! 

  7. This is kind of funny because just today I dug up my own first Yacon harvest. Completely forgot to video it, or take pictures. Anyways, I only got one tuber that even amounted to a mouthful. The rest were tiny and not worth taking from the plants. I left the one bigger one for the plant it was on as well. Something odd I noticed, is that the crowns of my Yacon were tiny. Much smaller than when I planted them. This was not a good year at all for the things I tried growing.

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