A quick video showing the daily routine of opening our poultry pen to let the chickens and ducks out for free ranging – they crack me up…
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Beautiful poultry. Love the light Sussex. My wife is chomping at the bit to get something like that cutie. We just had fox trouble even though we have wire on ground and up fence. Bloody dorpers damaged wire. Sorry but I can't fix reply issue.
The saying Mark, like a duck to water. They did take off like a rocket to get to that dam. Have a good one mate
Ducks like water, chickens like to free range, fish got to swim — and I have to smile when I see these videos LOL – so so cute!! And those chickens look so colorful, plump & healthy – I would probably try to hug them (probably flog me – LOL) Thanks Mark!!
Are u gunna get more chickens and ducks
I've always wondered how you get them all to go back in the pen?
…and quail likes to hide.
It's so nice to see such well cared for poultry. They're very lucky to live with you. Oh & Is the duck that was late named Jamima Puddleduck by any chance?
I made it myself thanks to INPLIX website
Your Videos are great just Came. Across them looking up how to look afters quails. have you got anyof them Great place you have from isa from. N Ireland Q
I hear a quail crowing
automatic waterer for ducks full about a week. 9 ducks
automatic feeds for ducks full about a week. 9 ducks
Who makes the water tub you have ?