June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Great Fruit & Veg For Summer in my Subtropical Garden

A walk around our subtropical garden showing some of the plants fruit trees and vegetables starring and great to grow at this time of year (the start of a subtropical summer).

Blog: http://www.selfsufficientme.com/
Forum: http://www.selfsufficientculture.com/

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Great Fruit & Veg For Summer in my Subtropical Garden

  1. There is nothing better than walking around the garden eating a little of this and a little of that as you go. I hate peas but when the pods are ready in the garden I'm happy to pick and eat them all straight off the plant.

  2. I have a peach tree that was infected by a fungus in 2017, I poured 3 buckets of compost tea around the trunk at its roots and the fungi decease seemed to be gone, but I don't know if the compost tea killed the fungus or it was just luck. The idea is that the compost tea has lots of microbes and food for them, so when the compost tea hits the soil the microbes eat the fungi in the ground because the microbes outnumber them and they're enemies.

  3. Have u grown fig trees, i just brought them from nursery and it looks leaves folding upwards and drying even when i watering them.. Please provide your wisdom.

  4. I love your channel. It is beautiful and it reminds me of my mother garden. She always had beautiful rocks around her garden. Every time she went to the mountains she would come back with a rock or two that she just couldn’t live without. She also had a green thumb. I love your area over there. Nice.

  5. Looks like it’s been a few years. Think you can make another summer crop episode? With all your newly learned tips and newer plants you grow?? I’m excited to see the changes!!

  6. Hello Mark, I loved this video "Great Fruit & Veg for Summer in My Subtropical Garden" It also is another good example that any one who is willing to put out the effort can grow at least some of their food ETC. I bothers the heck out of me to hear someone say "But I Can't!" it takes me back to when I was in the first grade, the teacher would say "Can't never did do nothing!" that was when I was about 6 and I'm 72 now and that phrase she said so long ago has stuck with me. She was one of the ten Pivital People that influenced the was I have lived because she said than. Strange something can effect someone so strong. Your friend in Arkansas USA Jessie

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