May 28, 2024

VIDEO: Ask The Urban Farmer — HOW TO Transform Your Backyard Lawn Into An Urban Farming Plot

Ask the expert. Curtis Stone takes your questions and passes along his knowledge on how to get your own urban farming operation off the ground.

In this episode Curtis answers how to start an urban farming plot converting a backyard lawn into a gardening farming plot.

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Ask The Urban Farmer — HOW TO Transform Your Backyard Lawn Into An Urban Farming Plot

  1. We've been using a modified toilet brush checked into a drill for our root veggies.(carrots, beets, turnips, potatoes). Bucket of water w the veggies submerged and stick the drill in on high. I can actually raise their grade pretty easily.

  2. i heard you mention you grow around 50 crops. my question is how large is a Crop, (dimensions), and are you growing only one variety of vegetable within or do you plant variety in each crop parcel?

  3. Tomatoes — I am hearing more & more on the disadvantages of raising tomatoes in pots. Growing tomatoes in a Hoop Tunnel provides larger plants & Toms? I have a top-of-the-line greenhouse (12×25) still in its box–unheated in Downeast Maine. Is it ok to grow in the ground until I build a Tunnel & refigure my growing strategy? I'm a long-time gardener, but a new greenhouse gardener.

  4. WOW Those was some good questions! My question would be: When you first started…. Did you have any trouble with TAX I.D. numbers or anything that had to do with issues to be able to sale your products?

  5. Namaste Curtis, I am a small time terrace Urban Farmer in India. Took off on this journey last year 2017. India market is totally different and awareness of pesticides free organic farming is far off and a tiresome process to convince people to pay the price it takes to produce organic food. Irrespective I continue to do what I believe in. I am very thankful for your videos, God bless you. Love and light.

  6. I'm a 13 year old with the vision to become a self-sufficient farmer, and I live in an apartment. For those of you who want to start growing fruits and vegetables but don't have the land, you may be able to relate to me. I started out with growing and producing in front of my apartment in grow bags and pots. I then started to reach out to family members and asked if I could have a plot or garden bed in their yards and got that running. Just last week I decided to check in with my town's community garden and was offered two plots in exchange for a contribution to maintaining the gardens; I plan on having my first work day there tomorrow and as an offering, I will bring tree cuttings that I have rooted and potted. I will also be checking out more community gardens in nearby towns where I frequently visit. People are noticing my craft and I was offered another piece of land at a field that's part of an agriculture program at a nearby college, the man who offered me this opportunity wants to speak with me tomorrow to see what I'm really about.. wish me luck! I wrote this comment to try to inspire others to just get started. This channel and many others have taught me a lot but actually putting in the work and making things happen has given me experience. If you want it, you'll get it. start today. I am slowly growing and I have positive visions of where I will be. Check out your local community gardens, (if you have one) they're truly a very underrated resource, and if you don't have one, ask around. Ask neighbors, friends, family who may have extra space that is being used for nothing other than grass and weeds and give them half of your harvest. I hope this helped somebody who needed some inspiration or motivation. You can do it

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