December 22, 2024

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Wood chipper shredder demo

  1. Hi , I  said a couple of weeks ago or so that I was going to buy pretty much the same shredder after seeing your video, well I had it delivered yesterday and used it for the first time this afternoon.
    I must say I am very impressed with it, It seems to cope with just about anything you put through it.
    Like you I did find that you have to keep an eye out for the chute blocking up, at one point I turned around to see smoke starting to come from the belt housing, It had blocked to such an extent that the belt was slipping. No damage done though but it took some clearing out. However now I am fully aware of it I have used it for a couple of hours since without a problem.
    Did you put the grill back in? I think I shall leave mine in as you are quite right I am sure it is to make sure it gets ground fine enough.
    I notice your's is an Hecht, I live in France and mine is an Electropower however it is identical in every respect to yours I have also seen other makes here on Youtube that look identical.
    I am pretty sure in my own mind that the machine ( perhaps without the motor ) is manufactured in China and sold under a variety of names after being assembled with  a choice of motors. That takes nothing away from it though as it all appears to be quite heavy duty construction and I am more than pleased.

  2. Hi there,

    brilliant demo video, I bought one of these about two months ago and have been itching to use it, it appears to be the same design but mine is marketed under the brand titan Pro 15hp however it appears to be the same.

    I am going to be using it finally for the first time tomorrow and sad to admit it but I'm quite excited really.

    There isn't a great deal of videos of these chipper/shredders but of the ones about your demo was really helpful.

    I'm hoping to chip and mulch to reuse which should reduce the tip runs.

    One thing I would like to see unless you already know is that a parent you can put leaf into the hopper! Now I'm hoping to see how that shreds as I have a lot of leaf fall and I'd rathe shred it, I think I will do a review and a video when I do use it as it will like yours help others.

    Anyway here's looking forward to tomorrow.

    Thank you for your demo video.

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