June 10, 2024

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Digging The Plot

  1. Sprouts don't grow at all here, so they all might as well be those;-). Trying romanesca broccoli this year. The heads are 2 inches or so, so hopefully by mid feb. They are very slow as we just had a week of frost. One of my professors at university said "sprouts need to hear the ocean to head up." Oh well, we get truckloads of tomatoes and cucumber, so I'll have to be happy with those.Anyway better luck with the sprouts this year.
    And as the saying goes… Little and often , especially about the digging. Don't think about what didn't get done, but Focus on the nicely dug bed you did.

  2. Looks like the ground drains well there, always good when the digging is finished, also growing Sarpo Mira this year for first time as has good resistance to slugs, looking forward to seeing how they do.

  3. Great video and well presented Adam. One thing you have going for you is the marvellous dry ground. Amazing to hear  what that company has written about their sprouts. Hahaha,best wishes

  4. Personally I get great pleasure out of watching others work a shovel and I must say you were especially fast at it. I also enjoyed hearing about that seed packet. They might as well have had "Don't Buy Me stamped on the front of it. Hee hee. Good stuff.

  5. How odd to have a sprout that even the packaging says is rubbish.  Oh well you will know for next year.  My sprouts came to nothing as well but am going to try again this year and hopefully get something going.  Great video.  When you said at the start you were going to try and dug all 4 beds I did raise an eyebrow.  It looked like very hard work but even getting one done is an achievement,  I am sure another day few days and you will get there.  Great update mate, all the best..

  6. Pics on Facebook. Send friend request if you want, then easy to see. Same name as here, but pic is of baby ducklings. Added a couple of new beds and prepped area to put in beds for perriennial plants along back fence. New pic as soon as those are in. If video it will be in May as that is when it looks its best.

  7. Smashing video Adam on a lovely warm sunny day!!! I personally don't mind digging but I'm sorry I'm just to busy to come and help – maybe next time mate. All the best for the year ahead fella. Chris.

  8. Hello what a great lot of digging you done,  have you picked seeds to grow this year?  what ones maybe you should do a video of which seeds if you have ordered any
    I am still going though lots of seed catalogues 
    Are you watching the Allotment Challenge?  

  9. Oh don't us gardeners like digging for hours… NOT… At least it's good exercise and we had the music to listen to unlike you Adam 🙂 That's an interesting plant label hey – it make ya wonder why they bothered! Cheers mate 🙂  

  10. Your digging beds and we have 12 inches of ices over white stuff on the ground.  I picked up that greenhouse I told  you about last year on the 1st week of Feb. past.  It's still sitting in it's box in our hallway, laughing at me…  And those raised beds…The lumber is still in tree form.  This years going to be a battle.

  11. Alright fella quick question I'm digging over beds & taking out as much weed as possible but miss a bit here & there, noticed you leave in strands of grass won't that form into more grass just like a seed?…

  12. Sorry I don't know how to put a reply on lol! In Australia we have an abundance of heritage seeds thankfully to choose from! Also squash of any kind probably need more water than most but at roots only as they get powdery mildew. Are you doing more this year? Love the walk through the woods it's beautiful, I was born in Walsall but came to Australia when I was 4 would love to come back for a visit but chances are slim lol! Enjoy your gardening, wish I had a block like that to garden!

  13. I think you need to invest in some tarps or black plastic at the end of the growing season this year to cover up the beds for the winter so you don't have to dig so much. God Bless and take care.

  14. Really great video, really funny, "that ain't gonna happen, and that ain't gonna happen"… I really like the way you sectioned off your paths, how did you attach the boards to each other?

  15. Ha came across this video when i typed in How to dig a plot for Veg for the first time. I only want to dig around 1.5 m by 3 m for my first plot and thought it would be easy. Least you've prepared me for the worst. I'm over in Poland and have so much land to play with so thought i'd give growing stuff a go? Quick question? Would it be best to skim off a layer off grass first or just turn it over a lot then pull the grass out? I have subscribed and gonna watch more. Can't really understand the American Videos. Alot of talking. Good old English best for me.

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