When springtime rolls around, we all want to buy seed, and we want to
get planning because of excitment and the rush. But companies are
making TONS on your excitment. With my few tips and tricks, you can
save up to 75% on your seed, have more money to spend or save, and have
an all around better experience buying seed this growing season.
For .99, heirloom, non-gmo, vegetable seed visit our store at
.99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds: http://www.MIgardener.com/store
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450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds .99/pack, fertilizer, garden tools, blog & More: http://www.MIgardener.com
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It's 2020, urgency is a legit concern this year! I've never experienced hardware stores running out of seeds or basics like manure. I've bought for 2021 already.
Omg, this dude waffles on tooo much .
Bakers Creek is off line because of too many orders. I went there and they are closed to the public because of covid.
I was wondering if you can update this video since these are crazy times. I was at Lowe’s on January 2 they had their seeds out and people were buying seeds and soil mulch lumber.
Just want to let you know I enjoy all your videos. I think I’m through half of them
Most companies sell small gardeners too many seeds. How many tomato plants can one grow on 72 sq. ft? And what if I want to grow a few other vegies? How about scaling down to 10 or 12 seeds? But noooo, the big boys think only in mass, not volume. H8…..
You have come so far Luke. You do have great seeds. Thanks for your tips and information on gardening.
great ifno thanks
the pictures in catalogs are quite regularly photoshopped when it comes to bright colored flowers or fruits. i always search for the cultivar online and look at pictures of it from reviews, garden blogs, stuff like that. unusually colored varieties, more often than not, have their color saturation increased at the very least.
hello i am a new commercial farmer and id like to order seeds. is there an email or some kind of social media i can contact you on.. do you ship to South Africa
I definitely think Like is drunk i.m.o. in this video.
Buy more than you need! Most of the smaller companies that don't promote the y.t ers are cheaper.
You are awesome. I love my seeds. Cant wait to see them grow.
Dollar store they have Mckenzie for 1 dollar.
This is a bit ironic…
I do etsy and then I harvest seeds from the fruits and vegetables I grow and know how to harvest from
That’s a good explanation for what Bakers Creek and Teritorial are sky high I’m their prices !
I think MIGardener seed packs are beautiful and simple
Oops. Already bought seed from the first place I found lol
Going to chock it up to last years pandemic shortages.
I see Territorial in the thumbnail, I'm from Cottage Grove Oregon, they sold Brussels sprouts in June, I didnt know better, they did. I planted it and it bolted, wasted money. But they do have great seeds.
So if most seeds come from the same place they could be spreading disease.
Whenever possible I buy seeds from your website. GREAT pricing and germination.
I'm glad I happened to find this video from 6 years ago. I'll order from your site next time.
My big peeve is that some seeds are sold by number of seeds, grams or another measurement. I cannot compare them that way. I tend to buy from a non-profit when that happens. I've bought from MI Gardener and am very happy.
Much appreciated!! I comparison shop all of the time. Guessing I need todo the same for seeds.
Thank for this info! Also, I am interested in the grow lights you have in the background, please share where you purchased them.
The price per seed is the biggest reason why I no longer purchase from certain companies who will remain nameless. A $1 seed package with 8 seeds in it is just not a good deal. Thank you Luke for being honest.