June 10, 2024

VIDEO: How does pH affect the Growth of Plants?

Welcome back to HuwsNursery. Today’s video is a look at how does soil pH actually affect plant growth? We know for most vegetables we should aim for a pH of 6-7.5 for the best growth but I wanted to find out why it is so important? From the research I did I found 5 reasons why a certain soil pH is important for the growth of plants. Below are the list of sources I used and thought I would link them if you would like to find out more:

http://pss.uvm.edu/ppp/pubs/oh34.htm (And pH vegetable list)
Sustainable Gardening Book http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sustainable-Gardening-Michael-Lavelle/dp/1847972322/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420738235&sr=8-1&keywords=sustainable+gardening

About Mycorrhizae: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tdo3wSHVhA
Organic growing tips playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPGyuloevt5yRILQ9Q7OswiW6HKptawK3

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How does pH affect the Growth of Plants?

  1. Thank you very much for sharing your videos. Our whole garden was hit with blight last year, very discouraging. I'll start keeping our coffee grounds so we'll have plenty to add, if needed. We'll also go to a nursery for a pH test as you suggested. Here in the eastern part of Canada we don't have a very long growing season but we all try!! Thanks again.

  2. 4.5 is not that acidic, (at least only for some plants)
    Once 31.35% Hydrocloric acid (muriatic acid) fell in my hand and it took me one minute to notice some pain and that has a pH of like -2 that is not all pure sulfuric acid is way worse it has a pH of -26 that is not like 10 seconds before you feel pain and 2 before your skin becomes yellow for some weeks.

  3. Hi Huw, I'm wanting to grow acid loving plants such as azaleas in a separate bed, but am concerned as the peat I've bought says 3.8 to 4.4 on the packet. can I make an ericaceous mix with this for them and is this too acidic? as I read somewhere that even the ericaceous plants will not grow much with this ph. What will I need to add to get best conditions for these kind of plants? Thanks.

  4. iv found just water alone will raise ph. in soil to neutral levels.
    I add lime to top soil water daily then 2 or 3 times a week ill add vinegar to a 2ltr bottle and feed them.. OMG They love it.
    Best Garden iv had in long time practice really does make perfect..
    gardens thrive after down pour
    try adding vinegar to water test it bit by bit adding more n more as you learn.
    instant results.
    also try adding peroxide in with it just a cap or 2 and a drop of seaweed literally.

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