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What is thieves? I have never heard of it.
I was given some YL thieves oil samples before Thanksgiving. I've been hoarding them. I used one in this recipe today! Here's hoping it works for me!!!
I made this day before yesterday and used it to clean my jars for canning. They turned out beautiful and I knew my food would not have any chemicals in it! Thanks!
we have hard water in our area and this recipe doesn't seem to work well – it leaves a film on the dishes and doesn't get our rings from something as basic as a coffee cup – I'm still looking for a better solution, but thanks for the video!
Hay I got a question it is about chickens. I use about a dozen of eggs a many chickens do I need for amount. How would it cost to feed them a month. I can buy raw eggs from a local family for $2 to $2.25. But some times I don't know how fresh they are and thought about raising my own. What are your thoughts
ok thanks , i might just keep buying the eggs until we have childern or something , i can buy farm eggs local for $2 a dozen
I used this and loved it. The first few loads and no residue, but there were a film after that. Not sure why. Not critiquing, just wondering why. I shake up the jar before I use it each time. Finally ran out and buying more ingredients today – going to see what happens!
Thank you! Liked and Shared. Love the videos where you share your recipes like this. Oh, Id love to know where you got your chicken statue, Ive been meaning to ask but kept forgetting.
I"M DOING IT!!!!!!!
Just a note, has the big bag of baking soda for 3.5 cents per ounce and washing powder for 7.2 cents per ounce. Baking soda can be changed into washing soda by removing the CO2 in a low temperature oven. Half the cost. Do this during the pre-heat on the oven or as the oven is cooling down, so that you are now firing up the oven just for this.
Is this a detergent that can be used in a grey water system that waters the outdoor plants and yard?
Young Living is AWESOME. You've got to try the Thieves Cleaner. It's super concentrated. We use it with the washing soda in our dishwasher.
Oh my word! I am so thankful for your page! Always easy and practical information. Blessings to you and yours!
Finally got around to making this tonight! I can't wait to see how it works for us. We have hard water so I use white vinegar as a rinse aid.
How do u store it
Love this recipe , this is what I use !
i have to try the soap
Does this disinfect too? I heard that people add borax to disinfect. I have a 3 month old and we wash his bottles in the dishwasher. I’m trying to keep my detergent as natural as possible for his sake.
The only difference between baking soda and washing soda is that washing soda is made from baking soda, but it’s been heated.. I recently watched a video where the Tuber suggested baking soda and baked for an hour to create washing soda (for home made detergent). So I’m going with that. I’ve used this sort of recipe before and it left me with a film on my dishes. But I’m up to a challenge and will try it.
any streaks add citric acid powder.
I'm gonna try it! I like watching these DIY videos and yours was AWESOME!!! I would have never thought of essential oils in a dish soap but I'm pretty excited about trying this recipe!
Making this today. I have been using your laundry soap and toothpaste recipes for over a year now. All working great. Enjoy this beautiful (comin on fall) day! x, E.
Hey Patara! I made your recipe for this dishwasher detergent. I have used it twice now and I am SOLD. Works perfect. No residue or film on my glassware and dishes. TYSM for posting this easy and cost effective detergent. x, E.
Can i make this into liquid ?
Nice advice!